Hochstubaihütte über Seekarsee & Himmelsleiter - Sölden

Ötztal Verified partner
The hike starts at the Windachalm / Fiegl's hut.
The narrow path leads to the Seekarsee over mountain meadows and then from the lake very steeply over stones to to the shelter hut (an old from stone made hut).
From there you go steeply uphill over the Himmelsleiter (stone stairs) to the hut.
Author’s recommendation
Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
Track types
Show elevation profileRest stops
Fiegl's Hütte (Windachalm)Safety information
Black mountain paths are narrow, almost entirely steep and exposed paths. Who is on a black mountain path, should be ready to reckon with longer secured walking and climbing passages.To indicate the difficulty Black mountain trails are marked on the yellow basic signs with a black circle.
For experienced mountaineers that are free from vertigo & surefooted, Very good physical condition, mountain experience & mountain equipment (see notice equipment) necessary, such as alpine security material, good weather conditions recommended.
Please pay attention to the current weather report under Weather Sölden
We recommend to start the tour early in the morning.
Tips and suggestions
More details about hiking In Ötztal: https://www.oetztal.com/wandernRoadbook
From the Seekarsee the path becomes very steep up to the shelter hut (an old - out of stone made hut).
In the further course, blocks of stone and slabs are crossed. After a few meters of altitude, the ascent via layered steps (stone stairs), the so-called Himmelsleiter begins.
When you reach the ridge height, it is only a short while to the already visible Hochstubaihütte.
The descent is via the same route (about 2.5 hours) or via the Laubkarsee to the Kleblealm (3 hours).
Public transport
Enjoy a both comfortable and relaxing train ride to the train station in Ötztal Bahnhof. You get off the train in ÖTZTAL Bahnhof where you change to a public bus or local taxi. The current bus schedule can be found at: http://fahrplan.vvt.atDirections
Die Autofahrt ins ÖTZTAL. In Tirol gelegen, zweigt das ÖTZTAL Richtung Süden als längstes Seitental der Ostalpen ab. Die Anreise mit dem Auto führt Urlauber über das Inntal bis zum Taleingang und weiter das Ötztal entlang. Neben der mautpflichtigen Autobahn können auch Landstraßen genutzt werden. Mit dem Routenplaner lässt sich die Fahrt schnell und bequem bestimmen:Zum Routenplaner: https://www.google.at/maps
The following parking facilities are available in Sölden:- Parking Postplatz
- Giggijochbahn + underground garage
- Gaislachkoglbahn + underground garage
All parking is free during the day.
Parking for several days (eg hike tour):
- Postplatz, Parkticket available at the information Sölden
- Parkgarage Gaislachkoglbahn, Parkticket either online or directly at the cash desk of the Gaislachkoglbahn
Book recommendation by the author
Author’s map recommendations
Appropriate equipment such as breathable suitable outdoor clothes for the weather, ankle-high walking boots, wind-, rain- & sun protection, hat, possibly gloves, is for all hikes and tours necessary. Please bring a first-aid box, a mobile phone, a hiking map and if there is no hut on the way a snack and enough to drink.Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
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